"Pigs Eating Bacon"

0% Tax, No Minting $PEB on Solana is a play on banks, finance and money printing that is so bad PigsEatingBacon.

Sol Contract Address: GyG8Y7S7gyaS1EaJfoRVgdDwzLN9A9jh7Te2HMbDqp4R





Minting Revoked

"zero inflation"

Liquidity Tokens Burned

"No Rugging"

How to Buy $PEB


Create a Wallet

Mobile users - download the Phantom app from your device's app store.


Desktop users - download the

Phantom extension for Google Chrome.


Get $SOL Coin

Ensure you have SOL in your Phantom wallet.

If not, purchase SOL from a cryptocurrency exchange or use a cross-chain service to transfer SOL to your Phantom wallet.


Go to DEX

Visit Radium through your browser or Phantom app and connect to your wallet.


Swap $SOL
for $PEB

Enter the $PEB token contract address, select the amount of SOL you want to exchange, and confirm the swap.


Create a Wallet

Mobile users - download the Phantom app from your device's app store.


Desktop users - download the

Phantom extension for Google Chrome.


Get $SOL Coin

Ensure you have SOL in your Phantom wallet.

If not, purchase SOL from a cryptocurrency exchange or use a cross-chain service to transfer SOL to your Phantom wallet.


Go to DEX

Visit Radium through your browser or Phantom app and connect to your wallet.


Swap $SOL
for $PEB

Enter the $PEB token contract address, select the amount of SOL you want to exchange, and confirm the swap.

Story of 3 Big Financial Pigs

1.) Banks

Big Banks Eating Little banks

Fewer Banks, less competition more profits for the banks

Fatter Piggies that are to fat to fail

2.) Government Money Printing

Diamonds or Sand?

Which would you prefer to own?

Fiat money turning into sand. More money in circulation means it has less value

3.) Inflation

What do Milk and Stocks have in common because of money printing? Both cost more because the value of fiat is less. Market rises -Stock owners win - Milk buyers pay more?

We have a few thoughts on how to take a bite out of Inflation for the masses.

After all, everyone knows,

"Bacon is good"

Dropping a new RAP Song- Check it out " Pigs Eatin Bacon"

So What do we name our Bacon eating Anti Hero Fox?

Join the PEB movement !! Contact us @ pebadmin@pebtoken.org